
Camping Out in the Beginning

Camping Out in the Beginning

I thought I’d share a few pictures periodically from when we first started working on the property. These are of us cooking under a makeshift shelter Roy nailed together quickly. It was cold and started raining and we were really hungry. We got wet and […]

Update 8/5/11

Update 8/5/11

Plans are moving along for the house construction. Roy has signed the permits and gotten the go-ahead from the inspection office. There were a few modifications,  more expenses, and lots of silly rules. We should be able to start as soon as the people and […]

Site work

Site work

Emma has been thoroughly enjoying her new mountain top. She paces and patrols it and it has become her new lookout post. The problem is, she is digging out holes in the side and it is causing it to wash. We are expecting more rain, […]

A Change in Plan for Housing

A Change in Plan for Housing

We have been anticipating living in a yurt for several years. In the beginning, we had thought we would make one because we had the sawmill to cut the slats, etc. After moving to the property, though, we soon realized that while it wouldn’t be […]

Cleaning out and reinforcing the Dam

Cleaning out and reinforcing the Dam

Two years ago, we dammed up the tributary to the creek so that we could run Roy’s ram pump to water the garden. That is a post unto itself… The dam was originally made by stacking rock, weaving in vinyl roofing material, and sealing with […]

Around the farm

Around the farm

 We are enjoying the space we have at the property and the freedom it gives us to have animals. Frederick and Chicky are free to roam during the day and find things to get into. Here is a picture of Frederick getting into the catfood. He has […]

Evaporative Cooler

Evaporative Cooler

They are called evaporative chillers or swamp coolers. They work on the principle that heat is required to evaporating water so if the water evaporates it takes heat out of the air as the water turns into gas. Evaporative coolers work best in low humidity so […]

New Pages

New Pages

We have added a few new pages under Housing. Check out the details of how we made our container and FEMA trailer home. Roy also added a page detailing how to wisely purchase a FEMA trailer if you decide to do so.