Chicken News 5/22/12

A few days old...
A few weeks old...
Now a few months old.

The chicks that hatched in March and April have finally been integrated into the main coop. All but 4 are loose with the rest, and those four are still just a bit smaller and somehow manage to squeeze out of the wire. I haven’t caught them in the act, but kept finding them on the outside, so for another week or so, they are in a smaller cage inside the run.

There are 13 in all, and only 2 or 3 are cockerals. I will only be keeping one cockeral and the other(s) will be sold or stewed in a few weeks. One of the 13 is an Americauna that I bought from the local feed and seed because I just wanted one. I have never paid for a chicken in my whole life before now, but I am justifying my purchase by the fact that I can sell those pretty colored eggs with ease, and I plan to add a rooster next year so I can raise off my own and maybe sell a few. Also, I paid for it with the sell of just one dozed eggs.

The integration of the chicks took a little time, but went relatively smooth. First, I put them all in a cage in the run for a few days so the others would get used to seeing them there. I waited to release them when I had time to stay awhile and monitor. A few of the buffs nipped at them, but after I fussed and swatted them away a few times, they went about their business. That is, everybody but Chicky. She ran around the coop snatching them each up by the neck and slinging it. I ran around rescuing each one and finally put the chicks back up. This went on for a couple of days, and then I finally evicted Chicky. She now spends her days free ranging in the yard and only goes in to go to bed. She honestly stands outside looking in with a pitiful and indignant look on her face and comes running to me when she sees me wanting to go in. The chicks, now pullets and cockerals, still go inside their old cage at night, which stays open in the coop, and I lock them in when Chicky comes in. Today, however, I tried putting her in before the others went to bed, and she didn’t go after them, so I am hoping she’s figuring it out.



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