In spite of an erratic 16 days in the incubator, I still have high hopes for my chicks. We are really quit amazed that they are still alive considering the fluctuating temperatures ranging from over 110 degrees to 65 degrees. The incubator stayed pretty consistent for the first few days, but then the thermostat began to “stick” occasionally and it was often either on or off. Each time we found the temperature at an extreme, we were sure they were dead, but I have a hard time giving up, and so I continued to candle them and each time they were still alive and kicking (literally). On day 13, I candled all 51 eggs and only pulled 9…so we still have 42! Last night, we changed out the thermostat for one out of our old incubator because we had lost all ability to regulate temperature. The new thermostat is keeping a good steady 99.5, and hopefully now I can even keep up with humidity.
I would love to come see the place and your babies. Food is always welcome. 😉
So by next weekend you should have BABIES everywhere? I would love to see them.
Yep! I even have a plan! I am truly going to be disappointed if something goes wrong now. Come see them…take a tour of the place…I’ll even feed you.