More Foundation Work

We got started early...

On Saturday, we all got going just after sunrise so we could work while it was cool…but the fact that we kept working through the mid-day heat of 104 degrees defeated the purpose somewhat…and the fact that we kept working until after dark proved to be too much. After church on Sunday, we came home to work on concreting  the pillars, but before we could change clothes, Roy declared he couldn’t do it. I have rarely been so relieved. We had worked too long and hard (not to mention the incredible heat) the day before, so we rested.

...and the girls worked hard

We had several goals for Saturday, one of which was to backfill around the interior of the foundation wall and the pillars. First, though we had to mix and apply the termitacide. That done, we shoveled, filled and smoothed the whole surface to get ready for the vapor barrier. The smoother it is, the less chance of the plastic to tear when being crawled on. It is also better on knees.

Backfilling Finished

Another goal was to dig out part of the foundation floor to be a sort of cellar. Inside the front access door, we dug out several inches to give more head room under the house. We will use this space for our water heater and it will be big enough to store canned goods or potatoes. Putting the water heater under the house will give us more room inside and will protect the house from water in case of  water heater malfunction.

Our mini "cellar"

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