Pouring the Footer

Concrete truck

This morning we called the building inspector and he confirmed that he could come this morning. He approved our work and said we could pour the concrete, so we called the concrete company and they said they could come out this afternoon.

Pouring the concrete
Logs in trench

The man helping us with the concrete and block work was on standby, so we were able to get our footers poured. The concrete truck was huge and we knew the chute wouldn’t reach all the way across the site, so we planned to wheelbarrow concrete to the far side. The driver of the truck had a brilliant idea. He suggested filling the trench with unsplit firewood so the truck could drive across the ditch. It worked beautifully and saved us alot of physical labor as well as time.

L.B. and Roy spreading concrete

We ordered 6 yards of concrete to be safe, but only used a bit over 5. The truck needed to empty and wash before leaving, so Roy had him dump it where the driveway splits because it is a steep drop and washes in heavy rain. He then handed me the hoe and went back up to smooth the concrete in the trenches.

Emma's beach

I got it all spread nice and even and smooth, and next time I walked by, there were dog prints all over it. Emma apparently got curious after walking on it and decided to paw and explore the whole pad. We were able to smooth it out a bit, but Roy was ready to give away a dog. (She also rolled in the yard of sand we ordered for mortar and spread it out so much that we have to order another tomorrow)

Pouring the pillars

The concrete will set overnight and L.B., the man helping us, will be out in the morning to start laying block. We are super excited at the speed of our progress. We should be able to start actual construction this week.

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