I like to let the chickens out as often as possible, but Frederick is so uncooperative that I don’t as often as I should. Chicky goes back to the coop about 4 each evening, but Frederick cannot be corraled for anything. We have to wait for him to roost (on
top of the coop) and then (in the dark) get a stick and shoo him to the ground. Then ensues a short but crazy fight that Fred always loses because he is still in roost mode. Fortunately there has only been one minor injury, but I got tired of this routine really fast. So, Frederick has been out for the last week…I decided to let him chance it with the owls. He survived nicely, but Roy built a small door and fastened it to the run, so the chickens can just walk in, and not have to go up into the coop through the people door. This way, I can “bait” the ground inside the door for stubborn Fred so I won’t be hesitant to let them out anymore! I love improvements.
Living Simply for a Better Life