In years past, Roy has plowed the garden with a Gravely walk-behind tractor. He thought it was a fast way to plow until he plowed with the tractor. He had wanted a tractor for ages, but couldn’t justify it until we got more than one lot to plow. Once we bought the property, he watched the advertisements for a while, and found this Yanmar tractor just a few hours away. It makes plowing something he gets to do, rather than something he has to do. Gardens we’ve had in the past have taken several years of working at it to get really nice soil, but is only our second year for a full sized garden here. We are fortunate that this garden spot has been used before, and has had years of leaves composting on it. Most of the dirt here in Alabama is red clay, but this is soft dark garden dirt. So far Roy has only planted potatoes and sugar peas, but he will have it filled up before I’m ready.