
My Most Awesome (T)Roy-Built Incubator

My Most Awesome (T)Roy-Built Incubator

What do you get when you combine various parts from three old heaters, a defunct microwave, a broken paint roller, scrap lumber, a discarded tent, a string of Christmas lights and odds and ends from previous projects and a couple of “spare parts” boxes (and […]

Nest Boxes

Nest Boxes

A friend of ours, who owns the local feed and seed, suggested that we put together some nest boxes and sell them at his store. Roy sawed some wood that he had cut here on the property and we made a pattern based on a […]

An Incubator for Christmas!

An Incubator for Christmas!

I am so very excited about my Christmas present from my sweet husband! We agreed not to buy each other anything this year, and technically he didn’t, but he put a lot of work and time and ingenuity into a present for me. He actually spent […]

Chicken News 5/22/12

Chicken News 5/22/12

The chicks that hatched in March and April have finally been integrated into the main coop. All but 4 are loose with the rest, and those four are still just a bit smaller and somehow manage to squeeze out of the wire. I haven’t caught […]

Diatomaceous Earth (one of my new favorite products)

Diatomaceous Earth (one of my new favorite products)

Every so often, I learn of a product that makes me want to tell everyone about it. This is not a new discovery, but somehow I grew up never having heard of diatomaceous earth. When my husband first introduced me to it, I had to […]

Chicknapping: A Hen House Tale…Honest!

Chicknapping: A Hen House Tale…Honest!

Chickens have been a part of my life from my earliest memory. There have been a lot of chickens and a lot of eggs, but I have never seen nor heard of what I recently witnessed in the hen house. Honestly, if I had only […]

Chick News 4/19/12

Chick News 4/19/12

Last night I went down to the coop to check on my two setting hens. When I tried to lift the first one up, she fussed at me with a great to-do. During the struggle, two little fluffy peeps popped out from under her wing! […]

The Chicks Are Two Weeks Old – and other chicken news

The Chicks Are Two Weeks Old – and other chicken news

Four chicks survived and are doing very well.  They are hopefully going to market to be sold next week with the new hatch. The poor chick with the leg that didn’t bend, died during the night after putting it in the brooder. The one with […]