More Eggs Incubating 3/30/12

Note the really white one in the middle.

I finally got the incubator empty, scrubbed, and sanitized. The thermostat is working perfectly and I set 45 more eggs on Thursday night. Day 1 will be 3/30/12…I should have waited til the 1st to make it easy. I have 6 Dominicker eggs that I marked because I don’t know if they will be distinguishable from the others when they hatch. Interestingly, I have one stark white egg in the bunch (there are two more that are a pale cream). There are only 2 breeds of chickens in the coop, so I have no idea why one is white. At the end of day 2, the temperature has not budged off of 99.5 degrees, which is considered perfect.

The chick with the bad leg died during his first night in the brooder, but the other 5 are doing well. Hopefully, we’ll have at least a few more from the setting hen in the coop. By my figuring, they should start hatching tomorrow on the 1st. Considering my poor figuring on the last batch, though, I will not expect them for several days after that. We plan to get them out of the coop as soon as possible so the other chickens won’t kill them. I am really hoping for some black ones that are healthy.

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